• Pastor Israel and Sherani Hill are the lead pastors of House of Healing PDX. They have been married for 14 years and have 3 amazing children whom they love dearly.

    If asked, the couple would willingly share that pastor was not on the list of things they saw in their future. Still, when The Lord calls, you move. After several months of doubting and wrestling with God, they responded in the affirmative and launched House of Healing by faith in October 2021. Without a band, praise team, or a building to house worship, they trusted God and obeyed anyway. Since they began, the ministry has gathered in a little hotel conference room, rented space in the mall, served in public parks, worshipped in a golf course ballroom, and leased a performing arts center; because they understand that the place doesn’t matter, for where the spirit of The Lord is there is liberty.

    The co-pastors have experienced life in the world, from gang affiliation to unhealthy relationships and low self-esteem. They also know that salvation does not mean the absence of tribulations; therefore, they rely heavily on transparency to show the congregation that God uses ordinary people, like them, to do extraordinary things through Him.

    “We are not a perfect people. We make mistakes and will continue to do so until Christ returns for His bride. But until then, these imperfect people will not be ashamed to publicly serve a perfect God, in our imperfect attire, with our bold and carefree praise, our hunger to understand the word of God, and our capacity to extend grace and mercy to those we fellowship with. As God continues to order our steps on this journey, we invite anyone needing support connecting, or reconnecting with our Sovereign God to come and fill your prescription from the Great Physician.”

Meet our Pastors

  • This experience began on July 4, 2021, when the Lord placed it upon our hearts to host a baptism. God provided the vision and made provision for those who desired to celebrate their independence from the world and demonstrate their dependence on Christ. The baptism took place in an apartment complex. The complex swimming facility had a sign that read “closed for maintenance.” Still, God placed it upon the hearts of management to forego the mandate and permitted us to use the facility. The sign could not have been more correct. Maintenance, the process of preserving someone or something, occurred on that day! That independence day, eight individuals publicly acknowledged their forgiveness and cleansing of their sins, confessed their faith and belief in the gospel, and declared their discipleship. This baptism was no ordinary ministry event, but the beginning of labor pains led to the birth of a ministry that the Lord called to be extraordinarily different for Kingdom building.

Who We Are

  • We are Kingdom focused ambassadors for Christ.

    We draw people with love and encourage people in prayer.

    We leave judgment to The King, yet teach the truth of His Word.

    We are a hospital for the spiritually ill, and a lost and found for the wanderer.

    We are Kingdom shakers, and change agents.

    We are disciples who operate under the understanding that ministry is wherever we are.

    We are the Church!

  • To resuscitate love, joy, hope, and strength; one scripture at a time.

  • To draw with authenticity, reach with love, teach with humility, and transform lives through the Word of God.

  • We are inspired by the example of Jesus and the teaching of the apostle Paul...

    When Jesus heard the Pharisees questioning His choice to eat with tax collectors and sinners, he responded, “it is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners” (Mark 2:17).

    Willing to meet others where they are for the sake of sharing the Gospel, Paul writes “to the weak I have become weak, in order to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.” (1 Corinthians 9:22)